From Betty (Louisville, KY)
Oct. 15, 1944
My darling,
Just got home from church a little while ago. I’ve gotten my room all straightened up so now I have some time to sit down and write to you.
I’m playing records. My uncle bought Anne and myself some records yesterday. He got us an album of Joe Reichman’s records. They’re all piano solo. Now I’m playing “I Get a Kick Out of You.” How true!
I went out to Fort Knox last night to a dance and I met a fellow from Salt Lake City. He’s a Mormon, but he doesn’t have six wives. I was disappointed.
Tonight I’m going on a hayride. It just occurs to me that you know the boy I’ve been dating. It’s Jimmy Wetherby- Vernon’s brother. I have a lot of fun with him because we’ve always been just good friends- as soon as the “good friends” ceases to be, I won’t date him. I thought he was real crazy about Nona Pilcher, but he’s beginning to get serious and I’ll have none of that. I’d rather stay home and read than go out with anybody who's beginning to get serious. I’m not interested in them and that’s all there is to it. I’m waiting, Jack, believe me.
Did you know that Vernon Wetherby is in New Guinea? He’s in the Seabees. Jimmy showed me a picture he had sent them and he’s grown a moustache (I guess that’s the way it’s spelled). Also, he has a pet parrot. His mother wrote and told him he better shave the moustache off before he comes home. Don’t you try anything like that.
We went in town yesterday. I had to get a dress. I was so pleased cause I found a blue one I liked and got it. I just love blue—it’s my favorite color.
The leaves should start turning before long. I think Fall is such a beautiful time of year. I love to walk through the leaves and rake and burn them.
Now I’m playing “I’m in the Mood for Love.” It’s a grand record of it. Wish you could hear with me.
Oh, Jack, I made a pie Friday and much to the amazement of every body it was good. It was the first one I had ever made and I did it all wrong. When I told Mother the things I had done, she said it probably wouldn’t be very good. She took one bite and changed her mind. She said it was better than hers. I told her the trouble with her pies was that she made them the right way. She says it’s a good thing I have she and Anne to learn how to cook on instead of my husband (she has hope for me to someday have a husband).
I’ve got to make sandwiches and fix things to take for supper tonight. The hayride is supposed to start at 5 o’clock. I really don’t care much about going, but I guess I’ll have fun. If you were going I’d have a heavenly time. I’ll just pretend you’re there.
I’m playing “People Will Say We’re in Love” for you. I sit and play it for hours. I really like it. My record is by Bing Crosby.
Guess that’s all for now.
Yours for always,
- Joe Reichman--- a talented piano player who became a band leader. His orchestra played at some of the top spots in the country. He was born in St. Louis, MO. After the war he became a disc jockey in Dallas, TX. Click here to listen
- St. Mark's Episcopal Church-- this is the church that Betty and her family belonged to. It is located on Frankfort Avenue in the Crescent Hill area of Louisville. Click here to link to their webpage
- "Jimmy" (James R.) Wetherby--(the boy Betty was dating) was born in 1924, so he was about Jack's age--a couple of years older than Betty. His family were also members of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. His older brother Vernon (b. 1923) served in the U.S. Navy during the war. I found a photo of Vernon Wetherby in the Courier Journal (1951) and he had a "Hitler-like" mustache--guess he didn't abide by his mother's request!
- Lona Pilcher-- She was a neighbor of Betty's who also lived in Maple Crest Ct. She was Betty's age.